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ChloMad Designs   Exploring Creativity

By: Chloe Fannin

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“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky

Michael Scott

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Creating My Art

My Creativity

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Mom & Dad.jpg


One of my many creative passions started with photography. I would use my Grandmothers fancy camera to take silly pictures of anything I found eye capturing. This interest brought me here to taking pictures of anything I find beautiful. The pictures I take are taken on my Nikon D3500 DSLR camera my Dad got me to follow my passions.

Digital Drawings

I recently started getting into digital creative work. I use my iPad Pro and my MacBook Pro for those designs. I am still learning digital websites so I hope to make beautiful work digitally.

Painting & Drawings

Ever since I could remember, I love making art. Whatever that might consist of. I love painting. I will really paint anything I find interesting. I've painted landscapes, silly drawings, and so much more. I love drawing and sketching in my journals as well. Sketching anything I have seen on Pinterest is a way I fill up my free time.

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